
Project in History

CDIE Past Experience Form #1

Assignment Name:
Training of Trainer (TOT) Sistem Manajemen Efektif dan Pembelajaran Aktif bagi Instruktur Calon Dosen PTAIN se-Indonesia Tahun 2004
Activity Value:
Rp 1.213.435.000,-
Activity Location(s):
Activity Duration:
3 months
Diktis, Ditjen Pendis, MORA
Start/Finish Dates:
19 July - 19 October 2004
Value of Service:

Brief description of the activity and the Organization’s role:
·   The training of trainers was conducted to help participants capable of being trainers on effective management, developing competency-based curriculum and active learning. The training was attended by 168 senior lecturers from 48 UINs/IAINs/STAINs throughout Indonesia. The training was conducted in three groups each of which consisted of 56 participants and took place for one month for each group. The materials of training comprised four main topics: Effective Management System at PTAI, Developing Competency-based Curriculum, Active Learning Strategies (including micro teaching) and Trainer Competencies. Learning approach used in the training was andragogy which enabled participants to share their experiences and knowledge with other participants from other PTAINs because participants of every group were mixed from different institutions.
·   Center for Developing Islamic Education (CDIE) is a non-structural organization within the Faculty of Education (Tarbiyah), UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. The center was established in 2004 to help strengthen and empower Islamic education at elementary, secondary and tertiary levels of education. The CDIE played an important role in conducting the TOT in two ways: designing TOT program, and making the TOT program came into action.
Brief description of the activity outcomes:
The 2004 TOT program conducted by the CDIE in cooperation with Directorate of Islamic Higher Education (DIKTIS), MORA brought about 168 competent trainers from 48 PTAINs in the field of effective management, developing competency-based curriculum and active learning. Having returned to their home institutions, they trained junior lecturers, and teachers of madrasah and public schools on active learning and effective management.

Since the TOT alumni are now teaching at UIN/IAIN/STAIN which provides pre-service training program for teachers of madrasah and other Islamic schools, it is obvious that the TOT activity on effective management and active learning is great conforming to the requirements of MORA activities in strengthening and empowering madrasah education in Indonesia. The alumni of the TOT, who spread throughout Indonesia, will be very significant support to improve the quality of education in madrasah. CDIE, in this respect, is glad to help MORA strengthen and empower madrasah education.

Dr. Muharam Marzuki
(MORA Officer)
Dr. Helmiati
Jl. Puri JIEP Permai Blok O RT.9 RW.3 No. 10 B6
Jatinegara Jaktim 13930
Jl. Rajawali Sakti I No. 34 Simpang Baru, Tampan, Pekanbaru, Riau

CDIE Past Experience Form #2

Assignment Name:
Sosialisasi Program LAPIS di DIY, dan Mapping Madrasah dan Sekolah Islam di DIY
Activity Value:
Rp 22.000.000,-
Activity Location(s):
Activity Duration:
1,5 months
Start/Finish Dates:
4 October 2004 & November 2004
Value of Service:

Brief description of the activity and the Organization’s role:
·   Socialization of LAPIS (Learning Assitant Program for Islamic Schools) program in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY) was conducted on October 4, 2004. About fifty participants representing headmaster and stakeholders of madrasah and Islamic schools in DIY enthusiastically attended the event of LAPIS socialization held at the campus of UIN Sunan Kalijaga to get information about LAPIS program from the Director of LAPIS, Robert Kingham. LAPIS socialization in DIY was followed up by conducting Mapping Madrasah and Islamic schools during November 2004. Forty-nine madrasahs and Islamic schools in DIY participated in the mapping activity by giving valuable responses to questionnaires from LAPIS distributed by CDIE. Then CDIE organized the data by means of SPSS program.
·   In this activity, Center for Developing Islamic Education (CDIE), Faculty of Education (Tarbiyah), UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta played an important role as an organizer of the socialization event. For mapping activity, the CDIE distributed questionnaire and collected data as required in the questionnaire and presented the result of the mapping before LAPIS in Jakarta.

Brief description of the activity outcomes:
The outcomes of LAPIS socialization in DIY were positive responses from madrasah and Islamic schools indicated by their eagerness to submit proposals to LAPIS via CDIE. No less than 40 proposals from madrasah and Islamic schools were submitted. In the mean time, mapping madrasah and Islamic schools resulted in qualitative and quantitative data such as photos of schools, strengths and weakness of schools, etc. The data were very importance for LAPIS to determine and design programs to improve Islamic schools.

Mapping activity revealed strengths and weaknesses of Islamic schools at basic level of education, both madrasah and Islamic schools in DIY. Conducting mapping Madrasah and Islamic schools has also enriched experiences pertaining to problems faced by Islamic schools and madrasah including ones dealing with unqualified teachers. Such data was valuable to be a basis of deciding proper program to improve the quality of madrasah education.

Drs. Zainal Fanani
Drs. Abd. Haris
Jl. Asem Gede 38 A Krangkungan, Condong Catur, Depok, Sleman
Jatimulyo TR I/813 Tegalrejo, Depok, Sleman

CDIE Past Experience Form #3

Assignment Name:
Pelatihan Implementasi Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi (KBK) bagi Guru-guru Madrasah Tsanawiyah se-DIY
Activity Value:
Rp 20.000.000,-
Activity Location(s):
Activity Duration:
2 days
Start/Finish Dates:
16-17 March 2005
Value of Service:
Rp 10.00.000,-
Brief description of the activity and the Organization’s role:
·   The training was conducted to improve teachers’ competences in implementing Competency-based Curriculum (KBK) consisting of three activities: designing syllabi, designing lesson plan, and teaching with active learning strategies. The training was attended by 60 teachers of Madrasah Tsanawiyah in DIY who teach various subjects/courses.  The materials of training comprise topics: designing syllabi, designing lesson plan, and active learning strategies. Learning approach used in the training was andragogy to enable participants to share their teaching experiences with other participants from other Islamic schools.  
·   In this activity, Center for Developing Islamic Education (CDIE) Faculty of Education (Tarbiyah), UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta became a partner organization for Pusat Sumber Belajar Bersama (PSBB) MAN Yogyakarta III as a host of the activity. Being a partner organization, the CDIE provided resource persons and facilitators in this activity.

Brief description of the activity outcomes:
The training resulted in 60 teachers of Islamic junior secondary schools who were capable in designing a good syllabi and lesson plan and skillful in implementing active learning strategies. Consequently, teachers of madrasah tsanawiyah can teach with excellent performance which results in better quality of madrasah.

Dra. Sri Suwartiyah
Drs. Yusuf
MAN III Yogyakarta
Jl. Magelang Sinduadi Mlati Sleman
MAN III Yogyakarta
Jl. Magelang Sinduadi Mlati Sleman

CDIE Past Experience Form #4

Assignment Name:
Training of Trainer (TOT) Sistem Manajemen Efektif dan Pembelajaran Aktif bagi Instruktur Calon Dosen PTAIN se-Indonesia Tahun 2005
Activity Value:
Rp 800.000.000,-
Activity Location(s):
Activity Duration:
2 months
Ditpertais, Ditjen Bagais, MORA
Start/Finish Dates:
1 September - 30 October 2005
Value of Service:

Brief description of the activity and the Organization’s role:
·   The training of trainers was conducted to help participants capable of being trainers on effective management, developing competency-based curriculum and active learning. The training was attended by 106 senior lecturers from 48 UINs/IAINs/STAINs throughout Indonesia, who did not join the 2004 TOT. The training was conducted in two groups each of which consisted of 53 participants and took place for one month for each group. The materials of training comprise four main topics: Effective Management System at PTAI, Developing Competency-based Curriculum, Active Learning Strategies (including micro teaching) and Trainer Competencies. Learning approach used in the training was andragogy which enabled participants to share their experiences and knowledge with other participants from other PTAINs because participants of every group were mixed from different institutions.
·   Like the 2004 TOT, Center for Developing Islamic Education (CDIE), Faculty of Education (Tarbiyah), UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta played an important role in conducting the TOT in two ways: designing TOT program, and implementing TOT program in the form of TOT activity.

Brief description of the activity outcomes:
The 2005 TOT program conducted by the CDIE in cooperation with Directorate of Islamic Higher Education, MORA brought about 106 competent trainers from 48 PTAINs in the field of effective management, developing competency-based curriculum and active learning. Having returned to their home institutions, they joined alumni of the 2004 TOT to train junior lecturers, and teachers of madrasah and public schools on active learning and effective management. Some of the TOT alumni have been promoted to higher and important position in their home institutions such as department head, vice dean, dean, etc.

Since the TOT alumni are now teaching at UIN/IAIN/STAIN which provides pre-service training program for teachers of madrasah and other Islamic schools, it is obvious that the TOT activity on effective management and active learning is great conforming to the requirements of MORA activities in strengthening and empowering madrasah education in Indonesia. The alumni of the TOT, who spread throughout Indonesia, will be very significant support to improve the quality of education in madrasah. CDIE, in this respect, is glad to help MORA strengthen and empower madrasah education.

Dr. Khoiruddin Bashori
(resouce person)
Dra. Woro Retnaningsing, M.Pd. (participant)
Kertopaten, Wirokerten, Banguntapan, Bantul
Pajang Makam Haji Kartosuro, Sukoharjo

CDIE Past Experience Form #5

Assignment Name:
Training Peningkatan dan Pengembangan Budaya Akademik di PTAIS Tahun 2006  
Activity Value:
Rp 250.000.000,-
Activity Location(s):
5 Kopertais in Indonesia
Activity Duration:
1 month
Diktis, Ditjen Pendis, MORA
Start/Finish Dates:
13 November -
15 December 2006
Value of Service:

Brief description of the activity and the Organization’s role:
·   This training program was designed to help Perguruan Tinggi Agama Islam Swasta (PTAIS) or Private Islamic Higher Education Institution improve the quality of teaching learning. This program was a new program of the MORA Diktis in dealing with educational problems at PTAIS. This training took place in 5 locations of Kopertais (Coordinator of Private Islamic Higher Education Institution) in Indonesia. The five locations of training program handled by CDIE were Kopertais Medan, Kopertais Banjarmasin, Kopertais Makassar, Kopertais Semarang and Kopertais Yogyakarta. To implement the training program in 5 locations of Kopertais, CDIE sent its representatives (senior lecturers) to the five Kopertais after coordinating with the MORA Diktis and concerned Kopertais. In the five-day training program, CDIE representatives trained about 40 lecturers from various PTAIS under the coordination of the concerned Kopertais at each location of training. The participants of the training were lecturers of PTAIS who did not joined the simmilar training program. The training focused on the implementation of active learning strategies.

·   In this activity, Center for Developing Islamic Education (CDIE), Faculty of Education (Tarbiyah), UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta played its role as training program designer, coordinator, and facilitator in the training activities.

Brief description of the activity outcomes:
The 2006 training on Peningkatan dan Pengembangan Budaya Akademik di PTAIS conducted by CDIE in cooperation with Directorate of Islamic Higher Education, MORA brought about 200 competent lecturers in active learning strategies from various PTAIS in 5 locations of Kopertais. This training had great contribution to enhancing private Islamic higher education because the lecturers were the backbone of the effort to improve the quality of teaching-learning at their higher education institutions. 

Dr. Muh. Zein, M.Ag.
(MORA Officer)
Dr. Abd. Rachman Assegaf
(resource person)



CDIE Past Experience Form #6

Assignment Name:
Pelatihan Peningkatan Mutu Dosen PTAI (Mentoring Program)
Activity Value:
Rp 190.000.000,-
Activity Location(s):
8 PTAIN in Indonesia
Activity Duration:
 A half month
Diktis, Ditjen Pendis, MORA
Start/Finish Dates:
1- 15 December 2006
Value of Service:

Brief description of the activity and the Organization’s role:
·   The training was intended to be the follow up program of the TOT on Effective Management and Active Learning conducted by CDIE in 2004 and 2005. This training took place in 15 locations of PTAIN. However, CDIE was assigned to hadle the training at 8 locations, while the rest was handled by IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. The eight locations of mentoring program handled by CDIE were IAIN Medan, IAIN Banjarmasin, UIN Makassar, STAIN Pare-Pare, STAIN Watampone, STAIN Manado, STAIN Ambon, and STAIN Salatiga. To implement the mentoring program in 8 locations, CDIE sent its representatives (senior lecturers) to the eight PTAINs in different schedule of training after coordinating with the MORA Diktis and concerned PTAIN. In this two-day training program, CDIE representatives in collaboration with TOT alumni trained about 30 lecturers from UIN or IAIN or STAIN assigned to be location of the mentoring program. The participants of the training were those who did not joined the simmilar training program. The training focused on the implementation of active learning strategies.

·   In this activity, Center for Developing Islamic Education (CDIE), Faculty of Education (Tarbiyah), UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta played its role as training program designer, mentor and facilitator in the training.

Brief description of the activity outcomes:
The 2006 mentoring program conducted by the CDIE in cooperation with Directorate of Islamic Higher Education, MORA brought about 240 competent lecturers in active learning strategies from 8 PTAINs. This training had great contribution to enhancing Islamic higher education because the lecturers were the backbone of the effort to improve the quality of teaching-learning at their higher education institutions. 

Dr. Muh. Zein, M.Ag.
(MORA Officer)
Dr. Sembodo A.W., M.Ag.
(resourse person)



CDIE Past Experience Form #7

Assignment Name:
Training of Trainers (TOT) dan Pengembangan Instrument Sertifikasi Guru di Lingkungan Departemen Agama
Activity Value:
Rp 400.000.000,-
Activity Location(s):
Yogyakarta & Malang
Activity Duration:
 5 months
Diktis, Ditjen Pendis, MORA
Start/Finish Dates:
January- May 2007
Value of Service:

Brief description of the activity and the Organization’s role:
·   The training was intended to be a preparation of the MORA to face the National Policy on Teacher Certification, especially that concerning with teachers at Madrasahs and Pesantrens. It was initially planned by the Ministry of National Education (MONE) that teacher certification would be conducted in two ways: competency test and portfolio. At that time, CDIE was assigned to help the MORA develop instrument of teacher certification, especially that dealing with Islamic subject matters taught at madrasah and other Islamic schools. For that purpose CDIE-Tarbiyah Faculty UIN Sunan Kalijaga cooperated with Tarbiyah Faculty UIN Malang in developing the instrument.
·   The first step of the process of developing the instrument was Training of Trainers (TOT) on Pengembangan Instrument Sertifikasi Guru di Lingkungan Departemen Agama. The TOT was held on January 20-24, 2007 in Yogyakarta. The TOT was attended by 40 lecturers from UIN Yogyakarta and UIN Malang. In this TOT all participants were trained to develop instrument to assess teachers’ professional competency of six subject matters, namely Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI), Bahasa Arab, Quran-Hadis, Aqidah-Akhlak, Fiqih, and Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam (SKI) at elementary and secondary school/madrasah. The Instrument was professionally developed by the TOT participants for it was designed by making the grille at first and making the mother test thereafter. The grille and the mother test of the instrument were also cross-verified by participants from UIN Sunan Kalijaga and those from UIN Malang.  The verification activity was took place in Malang.

·   In this activity, Center for Developing Islamic Education (CDIE) played its role as training program designer, organizer of the TOT and coordinator of developing the instrument.

Brief description of the activity outcomes:
The TOT on Developing Certification Instrument for Teachers of Islamic Schools and Madrasahs  brought about 40 competent lecturers who were capable of developing certification instrument. The result of the work of the TOT participants was obviously indicated by the present of the grille and mother test of six Islamic subject matters, namely Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI), Bahasa Arab, Quran-Hadis, Aqidah-Akhlak, Fiqih, and Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam (SKI) at elementary and secondary level of education. However, the instrument was not used to test teachers’ competency because the House of Representative (DPR) recommended that the government use portfolio perse as the instrument of teacher certification.

Dr. Affandi Muchtar
(MORA Officer)
Dr. Badrun Kartowagiran
(resource person)

